Roll: Interviews with Stars includes conversations of the books author, Kirill Razumov, with the outstanding yachtsmen, show business persons and musicians from all over the world about music and the sea, their connections and their impact on life events. It all started with the conversation with the most famous yachtswoman in the world, Laura Dekker, who, at the age of 16, circumnavigated the globe single-handed on her 12-meter yacht Guppy. This was followed by interviews with singer and writer Joanna Stingray, writer and the ABBA biographer Carl Magnus Palm, American music legend Merrell Fankhauser, the Queen tour manager, writer and photographer Peter Hince, and Ken Hensley, one of the founders of the legendary rock band Uriah Heep. Interviews with these persons, as well as descriptions of several musical investigations about the role of the Reeperbahn ferry from Kronstadt in the story of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, about the failed concert of The Beach Boys and Carlos Santana in Leningrad, and about the little-known visits of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan in the USSR you can read in this book.