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His whole nation is celebrating what is the worst day of his life Nineteen-year-old Billy Lynn is home from Iraq. And he' s a hero. Billy and the rest of Bravo Company were filmed defeating Iraqi insurgents in a fer...Подробнее

767 ₽
His whole nation is celebrating what is the worst day of his life Nineteen-year-old Billy Lynn is home from Iraq. And he'
s a hero. Billy and the rest of Bravo Company were filmed defeating Iraqi insurgents in a ferocious firefight. Now Bravo'
s three minutes of extreme bravery is a You
Tube sensation and the Bush Administration has sent them on a nationwide Victory Tour. During the final hours of the tour Billy will mix with the rich and powerful, endure the politics and praise of his fellow Americans - and fall in love. He'
ll face hard truths about life and death, family and friendship, honour and duty. Tomorrow he must go back to war.
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