Высшей школы игры на виолончели&
quot; ор. 73. Через год Поппер издал еще десять этюдов с подзаголовком «Подготовительные этюды к Высшей школе» ор. 76.
Издание адресовано студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, концертирующим исполнителям.
Czech composer, educator and performer David Popper (1843–1913) may be called the last “musical universal genius” who succeeded as a world-class orchestra player, chamber musician, soloist and educator. Popper turned his rich pedagogical experience into a number of textbooks, among which 40 etudes from the “High School of Cello Playing”, Op. 73. A year later, Popper published ten more studies with the subtitle “Preparatory Studies to the High School”, Op. 76.
The edition is addressed to students of music colleges and universities, performing artists.